Husband and wife will recite that prayer before intercourse.


Praying is worship. However, that prayer must be in accordance with the instructions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). But why do husband and wife pray before intercourse? Is this prayer only for intercourse or security?

Why did Priyonabi ask for prayers before the marriage of husband and wife? What is the reason? And what do people say in this prayer? Let's find out:

Doa to be recited before marriage

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Pronunciation: ‘Bismillahi Allahumma Jannibanash Shaitbana Wa Jannibish Shaitbana Ma Razakbatana.’

Meaning: ‘O Allah! Starting in your name (sexual intercourse or intercourse), you keep the devil away from us (both husband and wife). Keep the child that you will give as a result of this reunion away from the devil (all kinds of attacks). '

Things that husband and wife need to remember

Satan loves. Loves to see the place of shame. Because the devil appears there during the reunion of husband and wife for the purpose of engaging himself in this Milon.

Whenever a person recites this prayer taught by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) during intercourse, there can be no Shaytaan. As a result, the union of husband and wife is safe and free from the influence of Satan.

If a child is born in this partner intercourse, that is, in the intercourse of husband and wife, then in every case of the next life, this child is safe from all the influence of Satan.

And if the husband and wife reconcile without reciting this prayer, Satan participates in that reconciliation and creates bad intentions in the mind of the husband and wife. Which brings strife in marital life. And if a child is born in that union, that child cannot be free from the influence of Satan.

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